Alhamdulilah, we made some more achievements and still counting. 💜 Friends of the Qur’an, who are you?

🏆Ananda Alya Alma
Class VI Hafshah

The First Winner of Equestrian Jumping Competition
Class 30-50 m

Conducted in Klaten, October 30, 2022

🏆Ajwa Salsabila
Class IV Al Qomar

The Third Winner, got a bronze medal, in the MOKS OPEN Taekwondo Competition at the National Level.
Conducted in Semarang, 28-29 October 2022

🎁Last but not least, our beloved Nawwaf from Class V Saad, Azka from Class VI Asma, and Hanum from Class V Sholahuddin, attended the awarding of the MAPSI of City Grade Champion Trophy.

Baarokallohu fiikum shalih and shalihah. Masyaa Allah, you guys rock #SDAlAbidin #sdtqalabidin #sekolahtahfidz10juzterbaikkotasolo ! 💕

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