Islamic English Festival 2022

*Assalamualaikum wr. wb*

KB TKII Al Abidin Surakarta

*Proudly Present*

*Islamic English Festival 2022*

Hello, our dearest sholih and sholihah in the whole Solo area😍😍😍😍

We are glad to inform you that we have *Islamic English Festival 2022* in KB-TKII AL ABIDIN SURAKARTA

You can show off your talent in Islamic or English talent

*Islamic Festival* such as
🌻 Du’a recitation
🌻 Al qur’an Recitation
🌻 Little Da’i

*English Festival* such as
🌻Self introduction
🌻Story telling
🌻Poem Reading
🌻Demonstration/ Making something

❤ 2-4 years old (pre-schooler and children who have not registered for school)
❤ Live in Soloraya area
❤ Follow IG & Subscribe Youtube Account of KB TKII Al Abidin Ska
❤ Share flyer IEF through socmed (IG/FB/Story Wa)

📝 *Save the Date*
⏳Registration: *5-20 November 2022*
⏳ Date of Show : *Saturday, 26th November 2022*
🏢 *KB TKII Al Abidin Ska’s Building*

🏆1st winner : thropy + certificate + souvenir + education voucher Rp. 1.000.000
🏆2nd: thropy + certificate + souvenir + education voucher Rp. 750.000
🏆3rd: thropy + certificate + souvenir + education voucher Rp. 500.000

📝Fill the google form below:

📲 *Contact Person:* (Mrs. Erika) (Mrs. Fika)

*The stage is waiting for you*🥳🥳
*Show your awesome talent* 🥳🥳


*Wassalamualaikum wr. wb*

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