Teachers’ Workshop “Applying Critical Thinking Skill in the Classroom”
There’s nothing new when we talk about Applying Critical Thinking Skill in the Classroom. The revision of Bloom Taxonomy in 2001 (the first was out in the late 50’s) was already 20 years old.
What we need now is the willingness of the teacher to apply the Bloom’s taxonomy through teacher’s new ideas and research on how to apply it in the classroom. How to enact the critical thinking skill through the teaching and learning activities.
Those more or less are few words from today’s Workshop instructor, Sean Timothy Stellfox of Sebelas Maret University.
He delivered his presentation on ‘Applying Critical Thinking in the Classroom’ for SMP & SMA teachers under Al Abidin foundation.
The workshop was held to welcome the new academic year of 2022-2023. Here in Al Abidin, we provide good quality education by preparing our teachers as the frontliners of change.
Al Abidin, Inspiring the world. Shaping the future.